vSoup Who Let the Frank Out? #51

We got Frank’d, and that is not a bad thing. 

Frank Denneman joins us for a discussion about travel, writing and publishing books, dogs with ebola and HA/DRS Deepdives. How´s that for a rather mixed bag of nuts? Since Frank is an evangelist for PernixData, they get a mention too, but this one is decidedly very light on the marketing side. Just the way we like it (aha-aha).

So, if you’re into book, dogs and ebola, sprinkled with some virtualization, this one comes highly recommended. Now there is a narrow demographic if there ever was one.

vSoup Mike goes EVO #50

Our regular guess Mike Laverick is back, this time talking about EVO:RAIL which clearly is his new thing. As we all know, Mike is a man of many words, and EVO seems to be one of the new ones added to his vocabulary, and he sure knows how to use it.

Kidding aside, this entire fiftieth episode of vSoup is pretty much entirely about EVO:RAIL; the what, the why and the how.

Fifty recordings? Really? That’s a lot of soup.

Also, next week is VMworld EMEA, and both Chris and Christian will be there. If you’re in Barcelona find us and say hi! Also, if you schedule allows it check out the vBrownBag TechTalk schedule for VMworld EMEA 2014, we’re recording a live show on Wednesday 15th between 12:30 and 13:15 – Pop on by and you might even be our guest!