vSoup Reloaded: Episode 1

The moment we never thought would come, is here!

Claiming that this is something the world has been waiting for is probably taking it too far, but we’re back. In full HD.

With faces for radio, and voices for silent movies, the next natural step was to do a video podcast. Join us for a quick recap of everything new since our last episode on

Ok, perhaps we don’t cover not everything that’s happened, but hey, time flies when not podcasting.

So here it is: vSoup Reloaded: Episode 1.

And yes, this site needs some TLC. Or updates. They will come.

vSoup #60 – Doesn’t Anyone Remember Paula?

Here we go again. After a prolonged break, we’re back with a new one!

This is episode 60, which is a decent number by any standard. No guest, just us three hosts shooting the breeze.

Bonus points if you remember Paula, no bonus points if you have to listen to figure out what we’re talking about. Ok, fine, you’ll get some bonus points for listening.

Lazy bullet list of topics:

– Travel difficulties and missing flights
– Nokia Reboot
– TSA checking hardware
– VCSA and containerization
– Technology fortune telling and Paula

vSoup #59 – Snapchat IT and a Sack Full of DevOps

A while back we recorded one with Simon Eady, and then vanished into a black hole of laptop crashes and corporate access. After Ed did some extensive digging, and probably some undisclosed felonies, we’ve managed to our hands on the recording, so here it is!

Lazy bullet list of topics:

  • Unsupported configurations
  • Death of C# client
  • VRA
  • Tech Unplugged
  • People, processes and technology
  • Architecht job title gripes
  • Token cloud discussion
  • Being a customer, reseller or vendor positives and negatives
  • vendors badmouthing each other on Twitter.


vSoup #58 – Pre-dirtied low hanging fruit

Amit Panchal

Amit Panchal

This time we got Amit Panchal to spend some time with us, and since we recorded it, we might as well just publish it. Right? We also get into Christian’s new job, and how he suddenly got his VCAP-DCD.

How about that VMworld thing, who is going? Oh, and VMware made some announcements right when this one was recorded, so naturally we mention that too. Add some buzzword bingo, and your fruit might just come pre-dirtied. Og low hanging. Whatever floats your boat, and suddenly Dropbox de-clouds itself. It’s a strange fruit world indeed.


vSoup #57 – Bipolar Hipster-IT

Welcome 2016! We're back!

Welcome 2016! We’re back!

We’re back!

The plan is to release one monthly episode in 2016, and impressively enough we are right on track. At least so far. Since it’s been a good 6 months since the last one, we went commando. Perhaps commando is a feature of Hipster- and bipolar-IT? Are we trendsetters now?

Anyway, we touch on the Dell EMC deal, on how VMUG topics are changing and weird job titles. Obligatory Cloud/Hybrid-Cloud talk is obligatory, and so are goals for 2016.

Just give it a listen, will ya?

vSoup #56 – Shakeweights

Minding my own business yesterday a wormhole opened up on my desktop and an MP3 popped out of it. The episode you are about to hear is the contents of that file… you have been warned !


A little about what was going on in the world at the time – EMC Had just bought Virtuastream  which led us to chat a little bit about the relative benefits of buy vs build. Horizon Mirage rears its beautifully groomed head a couple of times too! Is a 15 minute deploy time for a product really a benefit ? Will you ever look good with one of these ?


We are on the hunt for some guests to help keep the 3 of us just about sane ? if you’ve got something good to talk about , then we’d love to hear from you at guests@vsoup.net


vSoup #55 – Bob’s Your Uncle with Plankers

Bob Plankers (Photo by Stephen Foskett)

Your Uncle? (Photo by Stephen Foskett)

We’ve gone full circle, sort of, with a return of the wonderful Bob Plankers as our guest. You know, The Lone Sysadmin guy. The hosts enjoy is blog posts, and we sure do enjoy having him as a guest as well. After all, he was a guest in our fourth podcast back in 2011 as well.


This time around, we talk about what all the cool kids talk about: Hyper-convergence, Fibre Channel vs IP Storage, the future of VMware and containers! Are we on fleek or what?!


And when you think about it, is open source really the drug dealer model, and is EMC turning into your local hood’s friendly street pharmacist? And if so, what does that make Chad?

vSoup #54 – But Mom, I Don’t Want to be a Developer with Matt Brender

Matt Brender

No we are not quite dead yet, we’re just pining for the fjords.

We’re joined by Matt Brender, a “community-centric marketer. Developer Advocacy “. We have no idea what that means, but at least Matt tries to explain it to us.
Of course, we get into Open Source, and the people aspect of it, and does everyone really have to be a developer these days? Oh, and the exciting world on non-relational databases.
Anyway, that’s enough, just give it a listen will ya?

vSoup Filer Swinger Parties #53

Beyoncé Northam

Beyoncé Northam

Beyoncé Wood

Beyoncé Wood

So, lets get 2015 started with an episode recorded way back in 2014. We’re sorry about the delay, but this one needed some time to simmer. After all, one of our guests ends up singing. To find out which of our two guests, Julian Wood and Matthew Northam, channel his inner Beyoncé, you’ll just have to listen.

Besides random singing, we talk tech holiday toys, hyperconvergence and when it’s not (EVO:RAIL + Filer?!), some really bad storage guy jokes and stockholder swingers parties, which correlates nicely to vCenter availability.

Remember, if you’re not honest, you risk getting tossed off. And perhaps even more importantly, if you like it then you should have put a Filer on it.

vSoup Double Dippin’ the Wahl #52

Chris Wahl (Not Spongebob)

We got the double VCDX Chris Wahl, and we got him to spill the beans on where the VCDX-NV’s came from. And no, it is not from the Iliad. We talk certifications, and answer the age old questions; “Is is wise to try to certify when you are hung over?” and “Can a server actually blind you?”.

There has to be some some wisdom hidden in there somewhere. Chris is also doing a VMUG tour of Europe, bringing along his immense Minesweeper knowledge. Be sure to catch “Chris does Europe” if possible.

Other than that, Proximal Data, cache products (including the usual rant from Christian) and home lab talk. All in all a really mixed bag of somethings, which I guess sums us up pretty nicely.