vSoup Who Let the Frank Out? #51

We got Frank’d, and that is not a bad thing. 

Frank Denneman joins us for a discussion about travel, writing and publishing books, dogs with ebola and HA/DRS Deepdives. How´s that for a rather mixed bag of nuts? Since Frank is an evangelist for PernixData, they get a mention too, but this one is decidedly very light on the marketing side. Just the way we like it (aha-aha).

So, if you’re into book, dogs and ebola, sprinkled with some virtualization, this one comes highly recommended. Now there is a narrow demographic if there ever was one.

vSoup Mike Lavericks Most Excellent Adventure #33

Mike Laverick
Guess who´s back? Yes, yet again we get to philosophize with Mike Laverick.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K, and perhaps we´re all suffering from a mild form of hysteria, but this is a fun one!

Listen to this dude Rufus, he knows what he’s talking about.

Our most excellent list of topics include:

  • Mike’s Epic Journey to the vCloud
  • Mike’s new Role at VMware
  • Can you turn a blog into a book?
  • Evolution of vCloud director thru versions
  • Other cloud automation tools
  • VMware and Puppet
  • Does 68+ posts on vCloud director make it too complicated? (or even 71 as it is at the time of writing)
  • Usage cases for vCloud Director and other products
  • 3rd party Virtualization stacks
  • vShield

And remember: be excellent to each other!

(ok, ok, I went overboard with the references in this one, but hey, I believe our adventure through time has taken a most serious turn.)

vSoup Big Fat Pipes with Bob Episode #4

vSoup Episode #4 is now available!

Bob PlankersBob Plankers from The Lone Sysadmin joins us this episode for a veritable buffet of vSoup, it seems to be of a distinctly networking flavour this week with a light scatting of certifications, conferences and books on top.

Speaking of Books, we have a copy of the  VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical deepdive (Volume 1) by Duncan Epping & Frank Denneman to give away to a lucky reader. As with the last entry, please leave a comment with the answer to the following question:

Contest question: Where does Bob work?

As before, we’ll number all the correct answers and draw one at random when the next episode is served.

The Prize!

Episode #4 Linkware:

Also, remember to follow @vsoup_podcast on Twitter.

Listen to the Podcast