vSoup Special Edition #3 – Tech Field Day Soundbites

We couldn’t let the opportunity of getting some of these great Tech Field Day people to talk with is, while recording, so here it is:

Soundbites from Tech Field Day #6

vSoup Tech Field Day / BPaaS Soundbites with Mike Laverick and the happiest man in virtualization Tom Howarth.Mike Laverick talks about VMware SRM (surprise!) and virtualization management products.

Tom talks about Tech Field Day itself and current status and the possible future of VMware MVP.

At the end, we even have our first vendor on, with VKernel’s Brian Semple (what’s up with that twitter account Brian?) appearing explaining why VKernel presents at Tech Field Day.


Chinwag with Mikeā€¦ and Chris Dearden [Episode 01]
VMware SRM
Nimble Storage
Hyper-9/Virtualization Manager
VMware MVP (Mobile Virtualization Platform)