vSoup Who Let the Frank Out? #51

We got Frank’d, and that is not a bad thing. 

Frank Denneman joins us for a discussion about travel, writing and publishing books, dogs with ebola and HA/DRS Deepdives. How´s that for a rather mixed bag of nuts? Since Frank is an evangelist for PernixData, they get a mention too, but this one is decidedly very light on the marketing side. Just the way we like it (aha-aha).

So, if you’re into book, dogs and ebola, sprinkled with some virtualization, this one comes highly recommended. Now there is a narrow demographic if there ever was one.

vSoup Mike goes EVO #50

Our regular guess Mike Laverick is back, this time talking about EVO:RAIL which clearly is his new thing. As we all know, Mike is a man of many words, and EVO seems to be one of the new ones added to his vocabulary, and he sure knows how to use it.

Kidding aside, this entire fiftieth episode of vSoup is pretty much entirely about EVO:RAIL; the what, the why and the how.

Fifty recordings? Really? That’s a lot of soup.

Also, next week is VMworld EMEA, and both Chris and Christian will be there. If you’re in Barcelona find us and say hi! Also, if you schedule allows it check out the vBrownBag TechTalk schedule for VMworld EMEA 2014, we’re recording a live show on Wednesday 15th between 12:30 and 13:15 – Pop on by and you might even be our guest!

vSoup Things Can Only Get Better #49

Three men left behind in Europe during VMworld US. There is no way anything good can come of this, right? While you ponder that little conundrum, why not give the latest episode a listen. Chances are that you will have forgotten about the question once you get to the end of this no-guest edition of vSoup.

Some, but not all, of the VMworld announcements get mentioned, like EVO:RAIL/EVO:RACK, vCloud Air and so on. At some point, Christian turns into Max Headroom, but that doesn’t stop him from not really knowing anything. Product names, and colons, OpenStack and printers.

Is the future of vSoup printers? Who knows, all we know is that they play some cool tunes:


vSoup A Most Peculiar Test Drive with Brian #48

Brian KnudtsonWe are joined by Brian Knudtson, (blog: knudt blog) for a mostly hyperconverged chat, including a car analogy. Yeah, we know you should never trust a car analogy, but we went there anyway. After all, who knows how we will deal with hyper-converged infrastructures a few years down the road (See what we did there?).

We also touch on Julian Wood’s great How Policy will drive the Software Defined Data Center blog post, and since Brian’s our guest, VMunderground and the new Opening Acts program gets a piece of the headlight action.

So, if you want something to do the next 44 minutes and 41 seconds, you know what to do.

It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.

-Hit it.

vSoup Feeding Frenzy with Mr. Laverick #47

This time we welcome Mike Laverick back, where we  finally give him a platform to promote his Feed Forward VMUG initiative. Jokes aside, it’s worth a listen if want to know what Feed Forward is all about and how to get involved.

We also give our listeners a quick intro into how Mike works after a few G&T’s, and we discuss if more soft-skills are required by techies these days.


vSoup Single Glass of Pain #46

Finally, we have a guest again. David Owen joins us again, for a good 45 minutes of topic jumping and general discussion. We touch on quite a few topics, including Storage Field Day 5 (and it’s fallout/aftermath), SMBs, Mojo Stealing, FeedForward, disturbing mental images and Single Glass of Pain.

Random? Nah, not us. It’s all very well planned.

Press Release: vSoup worried that RightScale is trying to steal their mojo

vSoup worried that RightScale is trying to steal their mojo.

By Christian Mohn
April 10, 2014


Bergen, Norway – Milton Keynes, UK – Zürich, CH –  The attention of the vSoup Podcast has been drawn to the fact that RightScale acknowledges it’s existence to the point where vSoup is being used as an internal term in their organization. The vSoup Podcast wishes to state that it has no prior knowledge about this and was not aware of any known usage of the term beyond it’s original intention.

While the vSoup Podcast acknowledges that the name is brilliant, there are worries that the incorrect usage of the vSoup term might lead to confusion and cloudification of it’s good name and reputation. The vSoup Podcast therefore wishes to clearly state that the term was coined, and subsequently used, by a group of three individuals with no prior podcasting experience. The first episode of vSoup was released in January 2011, which clearly pre-dates any usage on RightScale’s behalf.

About vSoup

The vSoup Podcast, recently voted the second best virtualization podcast in the world, is a fairly regular podcast that to date has released an astonishing 45 episodes of mostly virtualization related content.
For more information, and audible pleasure, visit


To learn more, please contact

Ed Czerwin

Chris Dearden

Christian Mohn


vSoup Hairy Wizards #45


No guests, just hairy wizards. If that doesn’t scare you, give it a listen as we ramble on about things like the Swiss Navy, VMware Airwatch, Simon Long moving to the US and adaptation rates on new technology. We even talk about tablets, and the Top vBlog Vote 2014. Thanks everyone for voting us #2 in the Podcast category!

As for the recording itself, well, some time things don’t really go according to plan, even if you don’t have a plan to begin with.

vSoup Flashdance #44

What a feeling, being’s believing!

This time we have Vaughn Stewart from Pure Storage. As since this, thankfully, is audio-only we have no idea if he was wearing leggings or not. Just like Irene Cara we have moved past that awkward third album phase, and discuss a few topics ranging from epic bus rides, all flash storage arrays (AFA) to upgrade issues. Oh, of course, the VCP recertification policy gets some airtime as well.

It clocks in at an hour, so there better be some content in there somewhere.


vSoup Convergsation #43

Once in a blue moon, when the stars align just right over the northern hemisphere, wonderful things happen. We don’t know if that was the case here, all we know is that we are joined by Matt Northam from Nutanix.

Naturally we talk about the pending VSAN release, converged infrastructures and Nutanix.  Has virtualisation reached the same complexity levels as it’s predecessor? Also, since Matt has a dark history in security, we touch on that too.
We also get some rare insights into Ed and how he works. Both professionally, with his current migration project, but also when he starts arguing with his own echo for some reason.