vSoup Commando Monday #42

Once again we go commando, that is without a guest. We get into the Wardrobe malfunctions and public speaking and the FeedForward VMUG initiative. Monster VMs, and 1 to 1 virtualization, is it really an option, and why?

A little storage discussion regarding RDMs, NPIV and Christian shares a story about 3Par / StoreServ reclamation and SCSI UNMAP issues.

Obligatory VCDX talk is of course obligatory.

vSoup Nested Accountants #41

Another naked one, with just the three of us. Budgets and accounting, and Christian kind goes on a rant. And this podcast thing, does anyone really care/listen to them?

Oh, and Google buys a bit of hot air/smoke Nest, is that an internet of things or an internet of Google?

And we couldn’t resist, should VCDX design samples really be available?

vSoup General Purple is better than Agent Purple Any Day #40

Yay, we turned 40. Collectively that is.

For the first recording in 2014, we do it like the last time; Three guys hosting, no guests. Except for General Purple that is.

Other than that, we talk a bit about Chris’ career change, business travel, hypervisor footprints, Windows Server Clusters and filer appliances. Also, does virtual appliances add or reduce complexity?

Kendrick Coleman’s JumpSquares, his very own cloudy thing, and we might have a suggestion or two for it as well.

Oh, and some of us has found an F-ing cool tool too.

vSoup Reloaded #39

Reloaded, huh? What does that mean? Well, basically we have decided to refresh ourselves a little bit, and change a couple of things. It only took us 38 recordings over nearly three years to decide to change things up.

This episode has no guests, and that might just be how we roll in the future, unless we happen to have a guest with us. Don’t worry though, this will mean that there will be more vSoup than ever before, in fact it means that we have grown to that age where being regular is important…

Anyhow, we get into a few topics this time too, things like stacks, blades, SDS, unprofessional social media usage, the Nordic VMUG conference and yes, Christian is writing a book.  Ed hopes it is erotic fiction, but to be honest, the world is not ready for that.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy the newish format, listen in for more details.

vSoup Special Edition #6 What? No Potato?!

vSoup @ VMworldIn this special VMworld Europe recording, we are joined by Craig Waters from the APAC Virtualization Podcast and our usual VMworld stand-in, Ed Griegson. For once, Christian managed leave Norway and join the party, but this time Ed is missing.

This is decidedly the most ghetto recording we have done; Recorded on Craig’s iPhone connected to Christian’s microphone via Bluetooth with the same microphone connected to Ed G’s Macbook for power. Ed talks via a Skype connection on Christian’s iPhone which in turn is connected to an external speaker. Simple, right?

All of this just because the vBrownbag Crew packed their things together on wednesday. Slackers.

Oh well, enjoy this weird (yes, it’s back) roundtable discussion of all things VMworld, and a few things that are not. Oh wait, why did we need a stand in? Turns out we did not need one, but Ed G is always good fun.

vSoup Somebody’s Watching Me With Chris Hoff #38

hoff-stoagie-300x200Chris Hoff. Better known (at least on Twitter) as Beaker is our guest in this one. How we managed to pull that off, is still beyond us, but hey, it all worked out beautifully.

Just like his Twitter stream, this one is a constant barrage of fun, knowledge and insight (and some random things, after all this guy has tweeted over 80k times).

Grab a Hoffacc[h]ino from your favorite caffeine dealer, try to sit still and have a listen!


  • Why has Hoff been quiet on twitter and does Twitter in fact cause rage?
  • Infosec career evolution
  • SDDC and changes in attack surfaces
  • Security bolted on vs. baked in
  • Onion shaped security model: Just add parsley or cut the onion differently?
  • Are people the weakest security link?
  • NSA, Prism and snooping

Lets all hope we are able to release a new one after this, who knows.

I always feel like somebody’s watching me.

And I have no privacy.
Woh, I always feel like somebody’s watching me.
Who’s playing tricks on me?

vSoup Bristlenose Plecostomus #37

Josh FollandTrevor PottsTwo canadians. What could possibly go wrong? At least that´s what we thought when we had Trevor Pott and Josh Folland as our guests. Turns out, nothing did! How aboot that, eh?

Naturally we get into Podcasting for Cancer, which so far has had way more donations than anyone would have thought when it started. Other than that, well it´s mixed bag of topics really.

Go on then, have a nibble.


vSoup A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal #36

No guests. Yes, Seriously, no guests.

Just the three of us. Naked. Imagine that, or wait, perhaps not.

Anyway, here it is – Enjoy it if you got that mental image out of your head. If not, things might just get a bit weird.



vSoup Nefarious Images with Gurusimran Khalsa #35

2012-05-08_07.49.56 We are joined by Gurusimran Khalsa (vbrowncoat), “GS”, this time around. We´re not sure if it´s the summer holiday mode, or perhaps just general delirium, but for some reason this one goes off on a bit of a tangent.

Dutch Caravans? Really?

Other topics:

And there it is. 35 minutes of mostly weird, geek laughter.

vSoup Shouting with the Whisperers #34

Geek WhisperersTwo thirds of the Geek Whisperers Podcast join is for a decidedly non-techie serving of vSoup.

For some reason John Troyer snubbed us, but hey, we can´t really complain since both Amy Lewis and Matthew Brender graced us with their presence.

Naturally we get into a social media, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Topic list:

  • Using social media correctly and incorrectly
  • Is Community Social 2.0
  • Getting weird IT guys to be extroverts
  • BBS Systems the first Twitter type Platform?
  • How Social Media created vSoup
  • Is Social Media being used for any other professions than IT?
  • Social media usage and challenges on the horizon

So there it is, a podcast with another podcast crew talking social media. Meta much?