vSoup #56 – Shakeweights

Minding my own business yesterday a wormhole opened up on my desktop and an MP3 popped out of it. The episode you are about to hear is the contents of that file… you have been warned !


A little about what was going on in the world at the time – EMC Had just bought Virtuastream  which led us to chat a little bit about the relative benefits of buy vs build. Horizon Mirage rears its beautifully groomed head a couple of times too! Is a 15 minute deploy time for a product really a benefit ? Will you ever look good with one of these ?


We are on the hunt for some guests to help keep the 3 of us just about sane ? if you’ve got something good to talk about , then we’d love to hear from you at guests@vsoup.net


vSoup One Man Parties #15

Episode 15 of vSoup comes to you just before the VMware community avalanche that is VMworld hits your tweet stream. Featuring two guest who not only share the same name, but neither of them are actually going. Simon Long and Simon Seagrave join us for a chat about the vbeers tweetup initiative, building out labs and the dangers of relying on hotel/conference wifi!

vSoup Special Edition #4 : vSphere 5 launch day


Lukewarm on the heals of the “Raising the bar , Part 5” webcast held by VMware today , Ed and Chris Deputize David Owen ( to sit in for Christian , who is currently sunning himself ) for a special reaction chat to the biggest VMware software launch yet. In our own vSoup way we talk about the pro’s and cons of the new features  – will the additional licencing cost be worth it ? will it affect our choices of hardware ? why no Microsoft “Me too” announcement ?

Normal vSoup service will be returned once we’ve thawed Christian back out.

vSoup Special Edition #2 : Tech Field Day “Roundbus”

vSoup vBus recordingFollowing on from the great event hosted by VMunderground and Tech field day at Boston’s Famous Fenway Park, Chris, Ed and Christian kicked off a recording on the bus on the way to the Friday’s presentations. We’ve decided to call this groundbreaking format for social media “a Roundbus” 🙂

We talk about the upcoming days presentations from Zerto, a startup coming out of stealth mode any day now, Symantec, Embotics and NetApp. At this stage we didn’t know what exactly some of the vendors were going to present, so a few idea were knocked around.  We also discuss VMsafe and how it will make it off the power point and into your infrastructure. Where does Embotics fit into things? Are NetApp more than just a storage vendor? What is Rounders? Listen in and find out!
