vSoup Visio is for Girls #12

Simon Long

Simon Long (you know, the guy with a massive slog) is our guest this time around, recorded from a dodgy hotel room in Leeds. Luckily Simon was able to see his car from the hotel room window, making sure no-one stole it during recording.

Even if Simon is “one of them” (read: vendor) we can’t exclude him, especially now that we have “one of them” in our own midst as well.

Semi-random images related to the podcast:

Short and Dumpy

Reverse Limbo DC temperature scale



Competition Time

We’re back with a new competition! This time you can win a copy of Cloud Computing with VMware vCloud Director by John Arrasjid, Duncan Epping, Steve Kaplan Ben Lin, Michael Haines and Raman Veeramraju.

All we ask is for you to tell us, either via Twitter, a comment or an email:
how many times does Chris mention Veeam in this podcast?“.

And, we know it’s a way overdue, we have drawn a winner of our last competition. We are very happy to announce that Guy West-McDonald is the winner of a copy of vSphere for Dummies. Chris will be sending you your prize as soon as possible!

Remember to follow @vsoup_podcast on Twitter and to subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher!

vSoup Script-o-gasm #8

vSoup Episode #8 is now available!

Jonathan Medd
In this episode we’re honored to have Jonathan Medd as our guest! As Jonathan runs his own podcast called Get-Scripting PowerShell, he proves that not only is he a great host on his own, but a very good guest as well.

Naturally Jonathan talks about the new VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration. We even get the gritty details on the work behind writing such a book like schedules, publishing and dealing with technical editors.

We also touch into other topics like Microsoft System Center Orchestrator (Previously known as Opalis), PowerShell licensing change by Microsoft, community awards: Can you “catch them all”?

Episode #8 Linkware:

Competition Time

The competition is back! Don’t worry, we’re not trying to give away the cheesehat again! This time around we have a paperback copy of VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration book to give away.

Want to win it? Listen to the episode to find out how!

vSoup Failure Rate #6

vSoup Episode #6 is now available!

David Owen
David Owen, who is not from Newcastle, is our esteemed guest. We get into certifications again, mainly the DCUCI and VCDX certifications. Is the VCDX actually worth it? Is the VCDX like the iPad 2? Wantware?

Will three yearly VCDX defenses be enough, or has VMware dropped the ball? How about those VCDX fauilure rates?

Of course, since David is our guest, the we also get into UCS and the little known UCS Express gets mentioned as well. Of course, there is room for some rather off topic talk too, like “Does being electrocuted by a server rack cause hair loss?” and can the Tesla electric cars run more than 20 minutes? Network discovery tools, are there any good ones out there?

There was also a call for virtualization community fundraiser for Japan!

Anyone in the community want to organize that and get it started?

Episode #6 Linkware:

Competition Time

Since we got no participants in the contest for Episode #5, we’ll save the cheesehat and t-shirt that Bob provided us with for later. We do however have a new contest this time as well, where David Owen generously offers to give away some vMackem.co.uk coffee mugs. Or you might just get a cheesehat, who knows?

Competition question: VMware vCenter Operations is the product formerly known as?

As before, we’ll number all the correct answers and draw one at random when the next episode is served.

Also, remember to follow @vsoup_podcast on Twitter.

vSoup Big Fat Pipes with Bob Episode #4

vSoup Episode #4 is now available!

Bob PlankersBob Plankers from The Lone Sysadmin joins us this episode for a veritable buffet of vSoup, it seems to be of a distinctly networking flavour this week with a light scatting of certifications, conferences and books on top.

Speaking of Books, we have a copy of the  VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical deepdive (Volume 1) by Duncan Epping & Frank Denneman to give away to a lucky reader. As with the last entry, please leave a comment with the answer to the following question:

Contest question: Where does Bob work?

As before, we’ll number all the correct answers and draw one at random when the next episode is served.

The Prize!

Episode #4 Linkware:

Also, remember to follow @vsoup_podcast on Twitter.

Listen to the Podcast

vSoup on the Desktop – Episode #3

vSoup Episode #3 is now available!

Julian WoodIf the normal dose of Chris, Ed and Christian isn’t enough, this time we brought on a guest as well: Julian Wood who blogs over at WoodITWork.com

Episode #3 Linkware:

Episode #2 Competition winner !

We numbered the entries on order of their age and used the True Random number Generator to select a winning number…

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Congrats to @mwpreston, who had comment number 3! Your free copy of the vSphere Troubleshooting Training Course is on the way!

Also, remember to follow @vsoup_podcast on Twitter.

Listen to the Podcast