vSoup Special Edition #2 : Tech Field Day “Roundbus”

vSoup vBus recordingFollowing on from the great event hosted by VMunderground and Tech field day at Boston’s Famous Fenway Park, Chris, Ed and Christian kicked off a recording on the bus on the way to the Friday’s presentations. We’ve decided to call this groundbreaking format for social media “a Roundbus” 🙂

We talk about the upcoming days presentations from Zerto, a startup coming out of stealth mode any day now, Symantec, Embotics and NetApp. At this stage we didn’t know what exactly some of the vendors were going to present, so a few idea were knocked around.  We also discuss VMsafe and how it will make it off the power point and into your infrastructure. Where does Embotics fit into things? Are NetApp more than just a storage vendor? What is Rounders? Listen in and find out!
