vSoup Marketeering with Duncan #18

Duncan Epping

Duncan Epping, VCDX #007 with a license to pimp VMware, is our guest.
A promising young lad that might just have a future in the virtualization space, if he plays his cards right.

We talk about Duncan’s next project, vShield App, Hairy Security Guys, and we get the answer to the ultimate question “What is Duncan doing in Technical Marketing?

Chris’ provides a great quote from his bed time lecture, and does he really eat food prepared by underwater virgins in Ecuador? Also, another important question: “Why no VAAI?”

Listen now, and we promise it’s the last time we talk about Christian’s potatoes. Honestly.

vSoup Lets go Bowling #14

Stephen FoskettMatt SimmonsBob Plankers
Three hosts, three guests. What could possibly go wrong?

Stephen Foskett and Matt Simmons from Tech Field Day join us for the first time, and by popular demand we welcome back Bob Plankers! Naturally most of the talk revolves around Tech Field Day #7 which is right around the corner, but we manage to squeeze in some vSphere 5 as well.

Competition Winner

It’s been a while, but back in vSoup Visio is for Girls #12 we ran a little competition. We are pleased to announce that Pat McCloud has won a physical copy of Cloud Computing with VMware vCloud Director by John Arrasjid, Duncan Epping, Steve Kaplan Ben Lin, Michael Haines and Raman Veeramraju. Pat, Christian will be in touch to get the prize sent your way!

vSoup A Man After Midnight #13

Mike Laverick

Mike Laverick, the SRM guru, is our guest and we get into all sorts of goodness: VMUG’s, SRM, VMworld bands, some vRAM semi-speculation and vBeers get some attention too! What is an unconference? Are we commoditized yet?


vSoup Special Edition #4 : vSphere 5 launch day


Lukewarm on the heals of the “Raising the bar , Part 5” webcast held by VMware today , Ed and Chris Deputize David Owen ( to sit in for Christian , who is currently sunning himself ) for a special reaction chat to the biggest VMware software launch yet. In our own vSoup way we talk about the pro’s and cons of the new features  – will the additional licencing cost be worth it ? will it affect our choices of hardware ? why no Microsoft “Me too” announcement ?

Normal vSoup service will be returned once we’ve thawed Christian back out.