vSoup #59 – Snapchat IT and a Sack Full of DevOps

A while back we recorded one with Simon Eady, and then vanished into a black hole of laptop crashes and corporate access. After Ed did some extensive digging, and probably some undisclosed felonies, we’ve managed to our hands on the recording, so here it is!

Lazy bullet list of topics:

  • Unsupported configurations
  • Death of C# client
  • VRA
  • Tech Unplugged
  • People, processes and technology
  • Architecht job title gripes
  • Token cloud discussion
  • Being a customer, reseller or vendor positives and negatives
  • vendors badmouthing each other on Twitter.


vSoup #55 – Bob’s Your Uncle with Plankers

Bob Plankers (Photo by Stephen Foskett)

Your Uncle? (Photo by Stephen Foskett)

We’ve gone full circle, sort of, with a return of the wonderful Bob Plankers as our guest. You know, The Lone Sysadmin guy. The hosts enjoy is blog posts, and we sure do enjoy having him as a guest as well. After all, he was a guest in our fourth podcast back in 2011 as well.


This time around, we talk about what all the cool kids talk about: Hyper-convergence, Fibre Channel vs IP Storage, the future of VMware and containers! Are we on fleek or what?!


And when you think about it, is open source really the drug dealer model, and is EMC turning into your local hood’s friendly street pharmacist? And if so, what does that make Chad?

vSoup A Most Peculiar Test Drive with Brian #48

Brian KnudtsonWe are joined by Brian Knudtson, (blog: knudt blog) for a mostly hyperconverged chat, including a car analogy. Yeah, we know you should never trust a car analogy, but we went there anyway. After all, who knows how we will deal with hyper-converged infrastructures a few years down the road (See what we did there?).

We also touch on Julian Wood’s great How Policy will drive the Software Defined Data Center blog post, and since Brian’s our guest, VMunderground and the new Opening Acts program gets a piece of the headlight action.

So, if you want something to do the next 44 minutes and 41 seconds, you know what to do.

It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.

-Hit it.

vSoup Convergsation #43

Once in a blue moon, when the stars align just right over the northern hemisphere, wonderful things happen. We don’t know if that was the case here, all we know is that we are joined by Matt Northam from Nutanix.

Naturally we talk about the pending VSAN release, converged infrastructures and Nutanix.  Has virtualisation reached the same complexity levels as it’s predecessor? Also, since Matt has a dark history in security, we touch on that too.
We also get some rare insights into Ed and how he works. Both professionally, with his current migration project, but also when he starts arguing with his own echo for some reason.

vSoup A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal #36

No guests. Yes, Seriously, no guests.

Just the three of us. Naked. Imagine that, or wait, perhaps not.

Anyway, here it is – Enjoy it if you got that mental image out of your head. If not, things might just get a bit weird.



vSoup On a Bender with Nick #32

Nick WeaverDo we need Puppet for People? Will we all turn into Geppetto in the end? Nick Weaver explains it all, in this 32 minute quickie.

Nick, who blogs at nickapedia.com is as quick with his mouth as he is with his blogging, so you´re in for a real quickfire episode!

I´m sure we have missed something, but conversation items include:

  • Nicks Career Transformation
  • Automation – will it replace YOU?
  • DevOPs and the next level of automation
  • Puppet and how to make sure your underpants are on first.
  • Automation with regards to the evolution of Tech
  • API’s and their importance

Now, let us all hope that Chris figures out how many hats to wear, or if he remembered to put on underwear before pants. We do not want Chris going commando, trust me.

vSoup Bandwidth Envy with Greg Ferro #31

Greg FerroGreg Ferro who runs the Packet Pushers Podcast and etheralmind.com, joins us to try and explain what Software Defined Networking really is.

Does he succeed? We´ll leave that up to you, the vSoupheads, to decide.

Show linkware:

An unusually short list, perhaps some links got lost in a multicast storm somewhere? We honestly do not know, all we know is that this one is worth a listen. Perhaps even two.

vSoup Credibility Maish-up #30

Maish Saidel-Keesing

Maish Saidel-Keesing, you know, the don´t vote for me guy who came in at a very respectable #41 place in this years top VMware & virtualization blog vote, was voted our favorite guest for Episode #30!

We go on and on about CloudCredibility and gamification, but we also get to poke around a few other subjects as well:



So there it is, #30 episodes of vSoup. Does that make us grown-ups now? Have a listen, and you can decide for yourself. Me? I´m not so sure…

vSoup Grandpa Woollard #28

Darren WoollardWhat´s better than to celebrate the holidays with your favorite grandpa?
That´s what we thought too, and this time we have Darren Woollard as our esteemed guest (we returned him safely home after the recording was done).

Since the mayans were wrong after all, we´re happy to present vSoup Episode #28, which also marks the 2nd full year of vSoup Podcasts!

Quick summary of topics:

  • XtraVirt and Darrens role there
  • Consulting firms providing products in addition to professional services?
  • Design Me a Highly Available Infrastructure at LonVMUG
  • Chris’ session at LonVMUG
  • Social Media in the Community\People Skills and kids these days
  • VMware spelling mistakes
  • Ed’s method for determining correct spelling of vCenter
  • Are products too easy to install?
  • Snapshots again!
  • VMFS Heap size issue Chris encountered
  • Christian application for VMUG leadership
  • General VMUG discussion
  • Is twitter popular in Norway

Listen now, and get of our lawn!

vSoup VCDX aaaight! #27

Joep Piscaer
Sorry for the delay, but here we are again, this time with Joep Piscaer freshly crowned VCDX #101.

Since we´re a bit on the slow side releasing this one, we´ll just get right to it.

Quick summary of topics:

  • VCDX design and defense and Joeps experiences
  • Joeps new website vcdx101.com
  • Tablets, Phones and Horizon Mobile
  • End user computing
  • Storage chatter and a bit about Fusion IO
  • Fault Tolerant VMs running on a VMware VSA and issues experienced
  • 43:45 Joep opens a beer?

It´s nice to have a new vSoup to listen to, innit?