vSoup Things Can Only Get Better #49

Three men left behind in Europe during VMworld US. There is no way anything good can come of this, right? While you ponder that little conundrum, why not give the latest episode a listen. Chances are that you will have forgotten about the question once you get to the end of this no-guest edition of vSoup.

Some, but not all, of the VMworld announcements get mentioned, like EVO:RAIL/EVO:RACK, vCloud Air and so on. At some point, Christian turns into Max Headroom, but that doesn’t stop him from not really knowing anything. Product names, and colons, OpenStack and printers.

Is the future of vSoup printers? Who knows, all we know is that they play some cool tunes:


vSoup Special Edition #6 What? No Potato?!

vSoup @ VMworldIn this special VMworld Europe recording, we are joined by Craig Waters from the APAC Virtualization Podcast and our usual VMworld stand-in, Ed Griegson. For once, Christian managed leave Norway and join the party, but this time Ed is missing.

This is decidedly the most ghetto recording we have done; Recorded on Craig’s iPhone connected to Christian’s microphone via Bluetooth with the same microphone connected to Ed G’s Macbook for power. Ed talks via a Skype connection on Christian’s iPhone which in turn is connected to an external speaker. Simple, right?

All of this just because the vBrownbag Crew packed their things together on wednesday. Slackers.

Oh well, enjoy this weird (yes, it’s back) roundtable discussion of all things VMworld, and a few things that are not. Oh wait, why did we need a stand in? Turns out we did not need one, but Ed G is always good fun.

vSoup A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal #36

No guests. Yes, Seriously, no guests.

Just the three of us. Naked. Imagine that, or wait, perhaps not.

Anyway, here it is – Enjoy it if you got that mental image out of your head. If not, things might just get a bit weird.



vSoup Nefarious Images with Gurusimran Khalsa #35

2012-05-08_07.49.56 We are joined by Gurusimran Khalsa (vbrowncoat), “GS”, this time around. We´re not sure if it´s the summer holiday mode, or perhaps just general delirium, but for some reason this one goes off on a bit of a tangent.

Dutch Caravans? Really?

Other topics:

And there it is. 35 minutes of mostly weird, geek laughter.

vSoup Credibility Maish-up #30

Maish Saidel-Keesing

Maish Saidel-Keesing, you know, the don´t vote for me guy who came in at a very respectable #41 place in this years top VMware & virtualization blog vote, was voted our favorite guest for Episode #30!

We go on and on about CloudCredibility and gamification, but we also get to poke around a few other subjects as well:



So there it is, #30 episodes of vSoup. Does that make us grown-ups now? Have a listen, and you can decide for yourself. Me? I´m not so sure…

vSoup One Man Parties: Chris Dearden – Engaging tech support for vSphere professionals

Live from VMworld Europe 2012, it´s yet another special video edition episode of vSoup!

Listen to, and view, Chris Dearden´s vBrownbag Tech Talk “Engaging tech support for vSphere professionals“:

Sadly we can only offer the embedded lifestream feed for this talk, at least at the moment. If we can our hands on an actual working video file, we´ll get it added to the feed as a video podcast as well.

For now, here it is:

Watch live streaming video from vmwarecommunitytv at livestream.com

vSoup One Man Parties: Ed Czerwin – Virtualizing workloads in the face of Disaster

Live from VMworld Europe 2012, it´s another special video edition episode of vSoup! Listen to, and view, Ed Czerwins vBrownbag Tech Talk:
Virtualizing workloads in the face of Disaster

For more background information, read Shanghai… we have a problem… on vNinja.net.

tvSoup #3 – Live from VMworld Europe 2012

Like last year, two thirds of the vSoup chefs are present at VMworld Europe. And, unfortunately Christian is still the odd one out, missing VMworld yet again.

Anyway, on with the live recording which, by popular demand, features Ed Grigson who still blogs at vexperienced.co.uk.

Watch live streaming video from vmwarecommunitytv at livestream.com

And yes, we know Christian was the silent minority here. After all, he´s in Norway.

That´s pretty far away.

vSoup Server Huggers Beware! #26

John WalshOur guest this time is John Walsh who manages the OS/Virtualization/Storage/HPC Teams at Northwestern University and a fellow vExpert.

As far as topics go there is no way around New- vs Old-school storage, and as the title reflects, should “server huggers” be afraid of the Software Defined Datacenter?

Other topics covered in this episode:

  • John Walsh explains his IT dept.
  • VMworld Europe 2012
  • Lightning talks at VMworld, and Ed´s unfortunate session title.
  • Certifications (as usual)
  • vCloud Director and Lab Manager
  • Building up Labs for customers

Enjoy! Look for us live from VMworld Europe, and since Christian is not attending this year either, who know what he´ll be represented by this time around…

vSoup Weird is Back! #25

Barry CoombsMike Laverick
We´re back, and so is Mike Laverick and this time he brings along his book writing buddy Barry Coombs!

Of course, their new book Building End-User Computing Solutions with VMware View is the hot topic of the day.

We do get into other topics as well, check out the list:

  • VMWorld
  • Mikes new role at VMware
  • Labs and MiaaS
  • Whiteboxes
  • Community book project possibilities discussion
  • Recent Acquisitions
  • Keeping book content up to date
  • Further into maintaining Wiki Style content
  • Is the stack better than building a best of breed solution?
  • Closing with various end user computing/view topics

And a few other little things as well, please leave a comment if you figure out where the title for this one comes from and, No, neither Mike nor Barry are weird, at least not in the vSoup sense.